It is hard sometimes to get yourself to just move. During the summer it didn’t matter what time of day I went because I had no early morning school things. When is it smart to go out and run and when is it smart to stay at home and rest when you aren’t feeling well is still something I am trying to figure out. While writing this blog I feel crummy. Sometimes this feeling is cured by pushing the boundaries you have set on yourself and showing what you are able to do. I think with time it is something you learn. Either through first hand experience or from something you read. One way of finding out whether or not your body is in the mood for a strenuous work out is by checking your heart rate. I normally only do this on track work out days but by doing it there i have learned how to relate it to my other runs. What I do is after running 800’s I stop and count my heart rate for ten seconds with the first beat being when you start counting. When you have your number, which changes for each person, you want to do a light jog/walk and then count your heart rate again. If your heart rate is not going back to where it should be, which is a little different for each person. I then run a few more 800’s and do it again. If it just doesn’t look like or feel like my body is recovering I cut my work out short and just cool down and go home in the hopes that tomorrow I will feel better. Today, however, I know I should just rest.
Always been a fine line for me....when is it the day I need to get exercise and blow past the concern about illness and fatigue and when is it the tipping point to worse health. Let me know when you figure that one out. According to my personal score sheet I am batting about .500.